What is Customer Experience Research?

Firstly, it is a lot more than an 11 point scale!

This is a great means to an end, but Customer Experience Research is about so much more.  It is about uncovering what your customers are doing, how they are doing it, the frustrations they are experiencing, and determining how you can ensure the journeys they travel are easy.  The insights should ensure that the business can maximise share of wallet, retention and acquisition strategies. At a high level, CX Research encompasses;

A top down strategic view to help you understand the strength of relationship you have with your customers, your market positioning and identify where you need to focus your efforts.

An external and internal customer journey view to provide the context around customer actions (the what, when and how), and map how their actions align to internal processes. By overlaying the two and understanding customer pain points in relation to process defects, we can arrive at actions that suit both the customer and business.

A bottom up tactical view to understand the performance of your contact channels, and provide closed loop feedback.

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